What is reiki?

The work Reiki (pronounced ray – key) comes from two Japanese words: “rei” which means “universal” and “ki” which means “life force.” Hence, Reiki is called Universal Life Force, another word for God Energy. It comes from the Source, the Prime Creator, the Giver of Life, God. It is a system of “laying on of hands,” one of the most powerful of the many such systems available today.

Reiki is not similar to any other energy. It is difficult to describe, because it is different for each person, but most people feel a gentle flow of electrical impulse that is both soothing and stimulating at the same time. As you feel the Reiki energy flowing into you, you will never be the same. You just have to feel it one time to know that this is something so profound and so wonderful that you never want to be without it. Most practitioners give themselves Reiki every day to enhance their own healing. Remember that all healing is self-healing.

The Reiki energy travels through the spiritual pathways known as chakras, subtle bodies, and meridians. It aligns with the energies that affect the physical organs. The chakras and subtle bodies are communication centers, as are the meridians. All communicate together to bring well-being to the person. Any distortions or blockages in the flow of the ki (Japanese), chi (Chinese), prana (Sanskrit, the sacred language of India) or mana (Polynesian) ultimately results in dis-ease to the physical body. Eastern medicine puts much emphasis on correcting the “flow” of energy within the body while Western medicine ignores it. This vital energy flows through every cell of our body. It does not exist “outside” of us. It is within us, through us, inside and outside of us. It permeates the very essence of our being, connecting us to the “Oneness.”

Source: Master Alice “Alicja” Jones