July 9, 2023, Healing the Hearts

Client had strong crown and third eye chakras, meaning she is likely to have a vivid imagination or psychic gifts, and she confirmed she has been told she has psychic tendencies. Felt a lot of heat in the crown chakra, possibly due to fire sign energy. Her root chakra was also strong, indicating she is grounded and can be balanced; great energy coming in from above and below.

Throat chakra was a little slow but eventually spun clockwise, meaning she may be slow to speak her truth but speaks truth easily once she starts. The back throat chakra spun counterclockwise direction, indicating “will” may be suppressed–as in, the client may not be standing her ground or advocating for her truth as much as she needs to. The good news is that the direction of all counterclockwise chakras changed pretty easily to clockwise, so the client can further develop these chakras quite easily, aka, with the tools she already possesses.

Client’s high heart and heart chakras were spinning in counterclockwise directions including front and back. Indicating some heart healing needs to happen. (Lovers in reverse and three of swords.) Advised client to bring more pink and green crystals or colors into her life and be open to connecting with love, including for herself.

Additionally, the solar plexus was “bumpy” though spinning clockwise, even after reiki, indicating possibly some connections need to be explored that could be interfering with the client’s sense of self (Thief card/seven of swords).

The sacral chakra was subtle including after reiki. The client has the option to expand the power of the sacral chakra (eight of wands) by drawing on sexual or creative/artistic energy, but no major concerns about sacral.

After reiki, all chakras spun in clockwise direction, though the heart chakras spun a bit weakly, meaning work should be continued on these chakras.

During the session, client’s grandmother came in and indicated work needs to focus on hearts, and I was called to “open” the aura around the high heart chakra, the chakra of pink love in the astral plane that is ascendant over earthly love. Client indicated she had a connection who passed who was also likely a past life connection, and I recommended she try connecting with the astral plane of pure love energy to connect with that connection via meditation. I recommended part of healing the hearts could be to re-establish a connection with that person in the astral dimension, where telepathic communication is possible. Also had a sharp headache on my right side, indicating a male energy coming in, wanting attention. I believe this may have been the past connection saying “I’m here!!! Pay attention to me!” Not sure how that person passed, but may have been head-injury related due to the pain I felt there.

Client indicated she was feeling her arms/shoulders levitating and feeling of being wrapped in cocoon. I am excited for the client’s journey as it sounds like she’s stepping into another stage of growth on her spiritual path.

September 8, 2023 Little Miss Small Chakras

Chakra Observations

The crystal pendulum indicated the client’s chakras were small or not the same diameter as an average person’s. The sacral chakra was spinning subtly in the counter-clockwise direction, meaning this chakra could have been putting out more energy than it was taking in. Most chakras spun in a very subtle way and some with an unclear pattern or direction. The third eye indicated a fairly clear “x” pattern which, according to my Hands of Light reference book, indicates a transformation, so this client may be improving her clairvoyance abilities knowingly or unknowingly. The root chakra was active and fast while the crown chakra was more subtle. 

Reiki Session

During the reiki session, I got the message that this client is very connected to the astral realm or 5th dimension and for that reason does not have what might called an “ordinary human” aura. This makes sense because the client’s high heart chakra (connected most to astral realm) was the one that spun the fastest of all the body chakras. The client’s spirit team communicated that the client would be extremely powerful if her chakras were fully opened because, as it is, her “small” chakras take in plenty of energy for healthy bodily function. The team said the client could work on opening her chakras further, but is only advised to do so under guidance, as the client may be scared or confused if she opens her chakras too quickly without the proper precautions. This was very interesting to me, as I had not seen “small” chakras before. I am very excited for this client’s potential. Sounds like she could be a very powerful earth healer or witch if she chooses that route. 

Post Reiki Chakra Observation

After the reiki and grid work, the crown and root chakras were in balance. The other chakras were still subtle but spun in clockwise directions. 

Client Perspective

This client also agreed to receive goddess/grid connection from Hekate. The client said she saw flashes of color during the session and in particular saw a flash of red when I entered the root chakra, which is a good indication that she connected with Hekate goddess energy. Hekate told me before the session that she wanted to assist this client with grid alignment as she believes this client will bear children and wanted to align her hips and feminine grid energies. (Hekate is a protector of women, mothers, and children.) Afterward, the client said she felt more balanced. 


While at the crown chakra, I saw a short south Asian man standing near the client’s right ear. He was wearing large glasses like the kind one would wear in the 70s or 80s. The man was beating a small rawhide hand drum with a cylindrical drum stick. He was chanting or singing a ritual song for healing. He seemed like an ancestor. Afterward, the client said this figure sounded like her grandfather and that she believes he played the drum. There is an interesting family connection between the two of us because the client’s grandfather survived the Bataan death march where my grandfather’s brother Carl died in the Bataan death march.