Hi, I’m Dani Rose

I consider myself a channel, or instrument, of God’s love and light. I do not consider myself a healer because true healing happens only between you and God. I am, however, a conduit that has trained to access reiki and act as an energetic bridge between clients and universal life force, or Source energy.

I do not promise specific outcomes for reiki clients, and I do not direct where or how reiki will flow to a client. Reiki always knows where to go and what to do. Clients should have faith that reiki is doing just what it needs to. Expecting a particular outcome of a reiki session is usually counterproductive. Instead, you should have faith that God and your spirit team are working on your behalf for your greater good.

Early on

I am originally from Las Cruces, New Mexico. After attending graduate school and earning a PhD in sociology, I taught college courses at several universities. Eventually, I became a social science researcher for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and spent a decade working in the Washington, DC, area. However, as far back as I can remember, my true interests were always communicating with spirits, making art, camping, and dancing. In my youth I experienced spirits and paranormal activity and was obsessed with learning everything about ghosts! In the Washington region, I met amazing spiritual practitioners and teachers who helped me remember my true path and my call to serve.


Since early 2020, I have focused on developing my natural abilities. My primary way of interacting with spirit and sensing energy (of people, plants, and minerals) is through physical sensation. For me, this means I am aware of when the reiki is “flowing” and allows me to feel imbalance in the chakras very quickly. I also get information via my mind’s eye and intuitively. I use these combined sensitivities to help clients identify possible underlying energetic causes of what they are experiencing and can recommend changes or new practices that can help bring the mind, body, and spirit into better alignment.

Links of Love